After sharing resources to fight racial injustice here in the U.S., we expanded to explore tools to take action on a global scale. Now, we are closing out this series by bringing it back home. Here are a few ways our Charity Alliance members are setting us up for success as we talk to our kids about this important topic.

Plan International
Understanding that gender equality and racial equality are inextricably linked, Plan International put together resources on How to be an Anti-Racist Ally for kids and families. Talking to kids about intersectional feminism and explaining how there can’t be justice for girls without justice for Black girls, Plan International lists a number of great books, podcast, parenting groups and more.

Save the Children
Visit this list of 12 tips to start or continue conversations about race and social justice with your kids. From pre-school onwards, Save the Children offers prompts for parents and children to have these important discussions and learn together as a family.

Another great list of tips on how to talk to kids about racism, UNICEF USA shares how white parents can speak openly about these issues and help ensure that kids understand that everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.