Global Impact is part of Global Impact Ventures

Now Announcing Global Impact Ventures

Meet Global Impact Ventures, our newly unified family of brands. Together, we serve all of philanthropy to inspire greater giving for a better world. 

Celebrate International Women’s Day with Us

Join us on Friday, March 8 for an inspiring celebration of International Women’s Day with speakers from three incredible charities – CARE, UNICEF, and Plan International USA.

Gates Philanthropy Partners: A beacon of hope for the vulnerable

Bill Gates talking with health professionals.

Like many of us, my family is attempting to adjust to a new normal – working from home with a spouse, children, and pets; wondering when we might be able to buy toilet paper or hand sanitizer; buying groceries to prepare for most or all meals at home; and otherwise aiming to reduce or completely […]

Responding to COVID-19 through effective partnerships

A woman stands holding a Project HOPE sign in front of MAP International supplies shipped by UPS in China.

In December 2019, a new health concern began to spread within the city of Wuhan, China. The coming weeks would see a flu-like infection rippling out from its origin point to sweep through China before crossing borders and oceans onto foreign soil. Part of the coronavirus family, COVID-19, which stands for coronavirus disease 2019, is […]